Bay Harbour Med Spa.: Our Skin and Laser Hair Removal Services

Informative articles about skin care topics, issues and treatments

Archive for bay harbor med spa

Green Veggies For Health

Laser Hair Removal Miami, LLC., in conjunction with its sister med spa, Bay Harbour Med Spa, is a huge advocate of natural remedies and healthy food which will help you achieve optimum health. Roberta Shapiro, Miami’s renowned psychotherapist, has written an article about the 5 best veggies to eat. To read this article, please click HERE.

VelaShape by Bay Harbour Med Spa

Copyright 2011. Cellulite Treatments Miami: Miami Beach: Sunny Isles: Aventura. All rights reserved.

Bay Harbour Med Spa announced the arrival of the Velashape™ by Syneron, the next generation of the VelaSmooth ™ device, several years back.

How does VelaShape work?

Velashape with its combination of infrared and conducted RF energies precisely heats the dermal and the hypodermal tissue within the target treatment area and reduces the size of the actual fat cells in the treated area. Vacuum and specially designed rollers for the mechanical massage smooth out the skin to facilitate safe and efficient heat energy delivery. This combination of Radio frequency and infra red light  aids in new collagen remodeling to tighten sagging and lax skin especially on the neck .  Lymphatic drainage is also increased.  Velashape  stimulates the fibroblasts to produce collagen, which is the major support structure for the skin and Velashape also reduces the fat content of the skin.

How many VelaShape treatments are needed?

Bay Harbour Med Spa recommends a series of 16 treatments to be completed over 8 weeks.

What about maintenance treatments, are they necessary?

Rather than waiting until their problems are bothersome again, patients must appreciate that maintenance goes a long way and a Velashape treatment every 4 weeks will help maintain results.

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